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The Color Wheel has been in the same location since 1966, and is truly an independently owned and operated business. If you are looking for a genuine small business experience with knowledgeable staff who care about the outcome of your project, look no further. 

Our staff has over 30 years of combined paint and coating experience and we are constantly learning more about new paint trends and products. In a world where customer service is subpar and the big chains care more about what you are adding to their bottom line, stepping into the Color Wheel is a breath of fresh air, we want you to enjoy whatever painting project you are undertaking, and if you can’t enjoy it at least you’ll love the outcome. So stop in next time you’re in the neighborhood, or heck just make the drive anyway, and let us show you why our products are superior to what you find in the big chains and while you’re here grab a gallon, it’s never the wrong time to update a room or two. 

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